Gold Plan - PMPRunning

Elevate Your Performance with Our Gold Plan

Our Gold Plan is tailored for runners seeking comprehensive training, strength conditioning, and expert nutrition guidance. This all-inclusive package provides everything you need to achieve peak performance and reach your running goals.

What’s Included:

  1. Running:
    • Customized running schedules tailored to your fitness level, goals, and availability.
    • Biweekly adjustments to keep you on track and progressing.
  2. Strength & Conditioning:
    • Detailed strength and conditioning programs to enhance endurance, speed, and overall performance.
    • Biweekly updates to your strength routines for optimal results.
  3. Sport Nutrition & Fueling:
    • Regular nutrition guidelines adjusted to your individual goals and needs.
    • Supplements recommendations from certified sports nutrition companies.
    • Comprehensive fueling and hydration plans for training and race days.
    • Two 1O1 online appointment per calendar year with nutritionist (Spanish).
  4. Follow-Up:
    • Biweekly follow-ups to assess progress and make necessary adjustments to your training and nutrition plans.
  5. Changes:
    • Biweekly adaptations to your plans based on your performance and feedback.
  6. Planning:
    • Quarterly planning sessions to set long-term goals and strategies.
  7. Evaluation:
    • Quarterly evaluations to review your progress and make strategic adjustments.
  8. Programming:
    • Monthly programming to ensure continuous improvement and alignment with your goals.
  9. Running Zone Updates:
    • Updates every macro cycle to reflect your improvements and ensure you’re training at the right intensity.
  10. Devices Support:
    • Biweekly support and guidance on using running devices and apps to track and enhance your performance.
  11. Plus:
    • Free download of our ebook: “Endurance Athlete’s Guide: More than 100 Ways to Improve Yourself and Achieve Peak Performance”.
  12. Communication:
    • Stay connected via iMessage and WhatsApp for regular updates, tips, and personalized advice.

With the Gold Plan, you’ll receive an all-encompassing approach to running, strength, and nutrition. Join us at PMPRunning and take your performance to the next level with expert support and exclusive resources like our comprehensive ebook!

Download our Subscription Agreement and Data Privacy Policy.

Available prices: